Monday, September 9, 2013

A Fun Project for All Ages

I often joke that I am "the last one to the party" as I am not up on a lot of fads or anything that is new.  Okay, I've probably been out of the loop for the last decade.   I'm a little bit behind the curve on a lot of things. 

Like Pickleball.  

Did you know there is such a thing as Pickleball?  Well there is. I know how to spell it  and I believe it is a cross between badminton and table tennis but my knowledge of the game stops there.

This week I discovered something else:  Smash books.  

I had never heard of them before.  But when I saw one I knew I had to make one.... or more.

I have been wanting to do a scrapbook about my parents but have really struggled with it.  My mom passed away in 2008 and my dad in 2010.   I had so much I wanted to include in it that it was a bit overwhelming to work on.  I tried several times but each try just didn't feel as if I was making it 
"special" enough and I always ended up setting the project aside after a while. 

In addition scrapbooks tell a story, at least mine do. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Part of me didn't want to think of an "end" with my parents.   Coming to the end of a scrapbook about their lives and then closing the book would feel like I was putting a big 'ole "The End" to their legacy.  That just doesn't feel right because their legacy lives on forever. 

And then there's the fact that right now my brain can be pretty random so trying to work on a big, organized, chronological, special scrapbook has just been more than I can manage. 

Enter Smash books!  

They are a combination journal/scrapbook.  The name brand Smash books are made by K & Company and were designed for those who don't feel they are creative enough to do a scrapbook.   They range in price from $13-20. It is a way to preserve thoughts, ideas,  memories, big things, and little things.  In addition to the books, which are pretty much journals with some design accents on the pages,  they have a lot of accessories you can get such as pockets, pens,  and the list goes on and on. 

What I totally love about this concept is that there are absolutely NO rules! What I put in it can be as random and disorganized as I am.  

A smash book is like physical Pinterest!

I had planned to order a K & Company Smash book from Amazon.  In anticipation of ordering it I headed to TJ Maxx.  (Any reason works for me!)  But actually I had seen some fabric tape (washi tape) there on my last visit, looked at it, and even muttered "Who uses fabric tape? Pffft" and put it back.   Now I know.  You use  fabric tape to tape things in "Smash" books because the fabric tape has personality rather than just  plain old tape!  It is pretty AND functional!

I didn't find any fabric tape at TJ Maxx this visit (that's what I get for going "pfffft" on my last visit), but I did find this book I decided to use instead of ordering one. 

It was  $5 - pretty awesome huh?  I am dubbing it the "smoosh" book.  It has a leather-like cover.  

You can use a notebook, a journal, whatever type or size book appeals to you.   Then just start gluing or taping in the things you want to have accessible in one place.  Mine has pictures, quotes, mementos, etc.  

You could include pictures of things you want to do such as home ideas, home remedies,  recipes, the things you find on Pinterest that you want to do... Anything!  You know those things you jot down and then misplace (well at least I do)?  Write them in your smoosh book instead!  I am using scrapbooking and card supplies I have on hand for mine.  It can be as simple or as fancy as you want to make it.  

Again, no rules. 

The object of the book is to fill it to the point that it will not close - smooshing things in there.  K & Company even makes elastic bands to hold it closed once it doesn't close on its own.  

The first night I sat up for 2 hours putting things in it.  I am already seeing how much fun it is going to be.  And those special photos and memories of my parents I can include in here easily, because to me this first book at least is starting off with things close to my heart.  No beginning or end, just ongoing special things in no specific order.  

On this page I just cut some pink and white scrapbook paper for the background and the white pieces with flowers are from a card I received in the past - I just cut the card apart.  The inside of the card is on a different page in the book as it was a special card I received.  

I already have a second smoosh book on hand.  This one has a notebook-type binding so it will be even more forgiving as it gets full.  This one was made by C. R. Gibson, and was a Marshall's find at $4!

I hope you'll join me in doing a smoosh book!  I would love to have you post photos of your book on my Facebook page!

Happy smooshing and Happy Monday!

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