Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Mystery of the Missing Muffin

We bought blueberry muffins for breakfast last Saturday.  This is a treat for my husband Michael.  He LOVES blueberries... anything blueberry: blueberry muffins, blueberry scones, blueberry pie, blueberry doughnuts!  Obviously he has more than one sweet tooth.  So he was like a kid at Christmas with blueberry muffins in the house. 

Saturday morning came and I got the muffins out for breakfast.  My friend Linda was here for the Women of Faith conference that day.  There were 4 muffins in the box.  Michael and Linda both had some.  With breakfast done  Linda and I went to the conference and Michael had a quiet day at home.

At the end of the day Michael met us and brought me home.  Once home Michael and I did a few things outside.  While Michael was finishing those tasks I went in the house.  

This is what I found.

I know, it is kind of hard to see, but I spotted it right away on the carpet.

I picked it up and while trying to figure out what it was, something else caught my eye... 

Ahh.  Now I was beginning to put the puzzle pieces together.  Then I spotted the last piece of the puzzle.

I secured the crime scene,  bagged the evidence, and headed outside to talk to my backup - Detective Michael.  

"Honey, where did you leave the muffin container?" He looked at me confused and said, "It is on the counter by the coffeemaker, I'm going to have that last muffin for breakfast tomorrow."  

(He was beaming as he said this... literally BEAMING).

My eyes got huge, "THERE WAS A MUFFIN LEFT?"    

To this point this is what I had assumed:  the muffins had all been eaten, Michael had left the garbage can on the floor,  and the dogs had gotten the empty container out of the garbage because it smelled so awesomely blueberryish.  We actually keep our garbage can on the washing machine just for this reason.   I  didn't think the muffin container was in the kitchen on the counter with a muffin in it yet! 

While I was taking all this in, all Detective Michael could say is, "WAS??"

So slowly we started to get a better picture of the facts.

My understanding of the case so far:    
The muffin container had been on the kitchen counter with 1 remaining muffin when Michael left the house.  It ended up on the floor, in three pieces, by the time we returned.  The last muffin was history.  It was gone.  

Detective Michael's understanding of the case so far:
His muffin was gone.

Luckily, with only us and 2 dogs in the house these crimes are pretty easy to solve as it eliminates 2 of us immediately.

The really sad part - Not only were we missing a wonderfully yummy blueberry muffin, but a paper muffin liner (blech).

With this knowledge in hand we headed back to the crime scene and looked at the suspects.

Yeah, don't be saying "Awww... they are so cute... they wouldn't do that!"  

We had a feeling we knew who the culprit was.  We pulled out our mental "files" on each suspect and went over their criminal history.  

Suspect 1:   Willow 
Willow has never really been exposed to people food.  If we drop something on the floor she makes no attempt to get it. In addition we don't give them people food so she has never had any.  Oh, she would eat it if given a chance, but it isn't like her to initiate this type of thing.

Suspect 2:  Belle
 Belle, on the other hand, loves it when the grandkids come to visit and a high chair comes out.  She is like a shark hanging out under there just waiting.  She has also been known to counter surf, but has not done this in a while. She may be short, but when on those hind legs she is L-O-N-G and with the combination of her incredible length and basset stubbornness, amazing things are possible. 

So we looked at the facts:

Belle has a very sensitive nose.  

Belle has the ability to reach high places.  

Belle has been known to get things off the counter before.  

Belle loves it when she can nab some unapproved people food.

Yep.  She had  a known history, skills, and motive.  

So as with any crime we questioned the main suspect.

Det. Michael:  (Looking at Belle and showing her the empty muffin container)  
 "Belle, did you eat my last blueberry muffin?"

Belle lowered her head, tucked her tail between her legs, and walked away.

Somewhere off in the distance I swear I could hear a gavel pound.


Case closed.


P.S.  Remember to check Monday's blog to enter the GIVEAWAY!

1 comment:

  1. Oh laughing so hard here. Dain brought Tinkerbell up here at Thanksgiving one year. She was just a pup and very hyper. Jeff was setting the table for breakfast and put the butter on the table. He came back for the cinammon rolls and the butter was missing. He turned and looked at Dain asking him if Tink wanted bread with her butter.


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