Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Crabopotamus, A Tea Kettle, and Blessings

A Crabopotamus

You know those days where you feel out of sorts and little things just irritate you?

I had one of those days recently. I call it being a "crabopotamus."


It drives me nuts.  I dislike being cranky.  I dislike negativity.  When I am grumpy I would totally get away from myself if I could... but I can't.  
Wherever I go, there I am.  


Michael and I send a text back and forth at lunch, just to check in with each other and see how the day is going.  If I get busy and don't text him he worries.  In all honesty this is what he is thinking:  "Either she is really busy or she is having a bad day and I am going home to one CRABBY woman!"  I think he likes to be forewarned if the second is the case.

A Tea Kettle

On this crabby day I knew I had to send some sort of message.   So I sent this text, "Having a frustrating day, but hanging in there."  

Now I have to explain.  Usually this has absolutely nothing to do with work.  Rather it has to do with something I have on my mind. And while multitasking can be a struggle at times, I manage to work and ruminate very well!

Pretty soon my phone rang and Michael was calling to see what was going on.  I explained to him what was on my mind and what I was worried about,  and of course when I started talking about it I got all "riled up." You've probably done the same thing.  You start out simply explaining what is bothering you and the next thing you know you are talking faster and louder than you intended.... and you are off to the races once again!

Yep, that was me.

Michael said, "You are just like a tea kettle - you get to thinking about something and you simmer about it, then get to the boiling point.  You need to get off the burner and simmer down.  (I love this analogy).  Give it to God, ask Him to handle it in whatever way He has planned and knows is best."

I had prayed and told God I was giving him this worry.  It was a situation I had no control over, so worrying and fretting were doing no good and I realized that.  So I told Michael, "I did that, but I keep taking it back from God!"    
He laughed and said, "Well, quit doing that!"

So his phone call had me laughing at the end and realizing I needed to truly give this worry to God once and for all. 

This is hard for me to do.  I have great worry genes.  I'm sure my Mom was royalty when it came to worrying and she passed that on to me. Often I start worrying about something small and insignificant.  Then I "What if.." it like crazy and soon I have turned the smallest (often imagined) thing into Mount Everest.

It's a special talent.  

When we go to bed at night we hold hands and get ready to pray.  One night Michael will pray and the next night I will pray.  Whomever will be praying always asks the other if they have any prayer requests and we share any prayer needs others may have that we are aware of.  

So this night it was my turn to pray.  I asked Michael if he had any prayer requests.  He said, "I would like prayers for my wife"... .and smiled.  I said, "Oh I would too!  I had planned to pray for her!"  

And I did.

Those little things can easily zap the joy from my day.  God gives us each day as a gift and when I turn those molehills into mountains I am taking my gift of a new day and making it something pretty ugly.  I like to mentally picture me giving a gift to someone and thinking how I would feel if they completely destroyed it.  I imagine God feeling the same way.   And we don't get do-overs when it comes to how we spend our day.  We can never get those 24 hours back. 


So heading into Thanksgiving I am reminded once again how blessed I am. 

I am thankful that at this point my life worries are little ones.  I realize how quickly that can change.  I know how blessed we truly are in all aspects of life.  I know all things come from God and my blessings are His work, not my own. 

I am thankful that while I feel small and insignificant at times, to God I am not, He knows my name,  and He loves me no matter what.

I am thankful my husband can remind me to give things to God, opens up his heart and prays with me (and for me), supports me in every way imaginable,  makes me laugh, and loves me regardless of the kind of day I may be having.  

I am thankful for our kids and grandkids who bring joy to our lives.  Two of the most precious names that have been given to me are "mom" and "grandma."  The kids and grandkids truly complete our family and are "our kids."   

I am thankful for my brothers and sister.  While miles keep us all from getting together as much as we would like, just knowing they are there and connecting when we can is special.

I am thankful for wonderful friends who have loved me and been there for me on my craziest of days, and who trust me enough to in turn share the ups and downs of their life with me.

I am thankful for Belle and Willow, who love me unconditionally, make me laugh, tolerate my singing, are great listeners, and keep great secrets!

I have so much to give thanks for. 

So choose happiness over being a crabopotamus.

Don't be a whiny tea kettle when you could be singing instead (even off key).

And count your blessings.

Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Have to giggle as you and I are a lot alike. Hate when I have those days, God must get frustrated with me.

    1. On those days I am ESPECIALLY grateful for God's patience with me!!!

  2. The great thing is you don't have to wait for a new day to start over. You are capable of changing your attitude at any point throughout the day, don't wait for the day to be over! I like to remind myself of that when my day isn't going well and sometimes I have to restart several times, but at least I'm not trapped in my mood. Mason usually helps out. "Are you frustrated, Mom?" When I say yes he always says, "You just have to smile!" Such a smart kid, gets me every time.

    1. That is so neat that Mason tells you to smile! Love you guys!


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