Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Busy Week

We had a really busy week last week. 
At 37 weeks our daughter-in-law Melissa went in for her weekly appointment.  While there one of the twins had a drop in heart rate.  They whisked her to labor & delivery to monitor her.  Thankfully they decided to keep her overnight and do a more in-depth ultrasound in the morning, as later that night/early morning, the other baby had a drop in heart rate.
It was decided an emergency C-section was in order and on September 26, at 2:51 AM, Finnley Maxine entered the world at 5 pounds 9 ounces, and at 2:52 AM, Elliot Olivia entered the world at 5 pounds 4 ounces. The babies are doing well and went home with Mom 3 days later.  On delivery their cords were tangled, so it is a blessing that they had an appointment that day and that the drop in heart rate was seen on the exam.
Oh, and they were born on my birthday - Happy Birthday to Me!!
We went to visit and help out over the weekend.  There's no better tired than that which comes from sitting up all night, holding a grandchild or two. 
We were able to take the girls' older brother, Mason, to the park to play.  And when I was sent to try to get Mason to take a longer nap on Sunday by giving him company, well that's just the kind of mission a tired Grandma takes! 
Yep, I dozed off with Mason.  When nap time was over for us and he woke up and gave me a huge grin, it was awesome.  He couldn't stop giggling.
We also had a visit from two other grandchildren late last week.  Liam and Morgan were here for a few nights.  Morgan is at the age where her Mom and Dad are her world. So she was hesitant to give too many hugs and kisses to Grandma and Grandpa, but lucky Belle received them - over and over and over!  She is just the cutest thing in her pigtails! 
Liam is Mr. Adorable.  Nothing is better than his hugs and kisses and hearing "I love you Grandma."  It just makes your heart melt.  Oh, and he LOVED my chocolate chip cookies.  New rule at our house:  The cookie jar will never be empty when grandkids are coming. 
I'm not sure how you top a week like that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for having a sleepover with me and the girls :)


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