Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another Top 5

Usually when I have a chore I don't like doing I do it and get it over with so I can get on to the things I enjoy more.  However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. 
Here are the top 5 things I procrastinate on with #1 being the thing I dislike the most:
#5   Taking things to the basement (it is just plain laziness)
#4  Washing the car (no clue why, I just don't like driving through those things)

#3  Cleaning the shower  

#2  Trimming the yard with the weed wacker
(sorry Miles and Sarah)

and the #1 thing I procrastinate on....
Balancing the checkbook.

I don't know why I procrastinate so much on the checkbook.  I used to do it religiously within a few days after the statement arrived.  Now I stockpile the statements.  Actually I should say WE stockpile the statements. Michael doesn't rush to do them either. 
So guess how we spent the night last night?
Yep... huddled over the checkbook.
We did 4 months worth in one sitting. 
Yes, you did read that right. 
So you know what that means don't you??
 We are done for another quarter!!  :)


  1. ROFL, Barb it is not Jeff's and my favorite thing to do either and we do it about as often. Then we both complain.

  2. I haven't balanced my checkbook in over 5 years. We just always hope there is money in there :)


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