Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A New Willow

Yesterday morning I let Willow out.  A few minutes later I went to check on her to see if she was ready to come in.  Willow, the 4-year-old (ish) basset who is either sleeping or acts like a puppy and has boundless energy was standing stock still by the deck.  Her tail was straight out and she was peering under the deck. 
It was interesting to see Willow so still.  This usually only occurs when she is asleep.  To see her awake and motionless was a rare sight. 
My first thought was, "What is she staring at?"  And of course my first worry was a snake.  I quickly ruled out a garter snake - too cold.   Even though we have a fenced in yard I couldn't help but wonder if it was an opossum or something that should definitely not be in our yard and could possibly harm her.  Not being able to see what she could, my imagination went a little crazy.... briefly.  I finally decided she must have spotted a rabbit under the deck. 
We have had rabbits in our yard for years.  They have given birth in my Shasta daisies which went well.  Another time a rabbit gave birth in my mounding geraniums.  That didn't go so well as the brand new baby bunnies were soft and making squeaky noises so Belle thought they must be fun toys.  She was picking them up and carrying them around (gently, but it still didn't end well).  Belle was on bunny patrol more times than I can count.  Willow never really seemed to care - she seemed to view them as an acceptable part of the backyard landscape.  
Until yesterday.
With Willow in a determined stance I stood with the sliding glass door open to watch her.  She would very, VERY slowly lift one of her front paws and then hold it in the air for about 30 seconds.  She would then lower it just as slowly as she had raised it.  She was so stealth-like it was amazing!  It took her 5 minutes to advance about 1 foot to the edge of the deck.  She knew I was watching her.  Only once did she divert her eyes from the bunny to look at me as if to say, "I've got this! Shhh!"  Her precise movements and attention to her prey would have put a lot of bird dogs to shame. 
Willow does go under the deck, but she just  barely fits, and I knew she could not take off running under the deck.  But Willow being Willow, that is exactly what she tried to do.  She went under the deck on the right and the bunny shot out from the left.  The chase was on!
Two of our neighbors have chain link-type fence so the bunny went to one far corner, Willow giving chase, only to discover it was too big to fit through the chain link.  The bunnies squeeze through easily when younger, but as they grow those spots just aren't big enough for them to escape through. 
In a panic the bunny ran to another corner of the yard, Willow still chasing at high speed, only to discover the same problem with the fence in this corner.  I honestly thought the bunny was going to have a heart attack and just drop over there, I felt bad for it as I could tell how frightened it was. 
It dashed to another corner to try the chain link once more, but no go.
As a last resort it ran back under the deck and to the gate where there is about a 2-inch gap it could squeeze through... and it ran back to our neighbors' yard. 
I was thrilled the bunny had escaped. I would not have wanted Willow to catch it.. 
I'm hoping the bunny learns a lesson - stay in the Pankonen's yard!  But I don't think that will happen.  History has shown that these bunnies like living dangerously.
Bunnies be warned:  Willow has decided you are great fun to chase!

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