Wednesday, August 15, 2012


A couple of weeks ago Tyler, Melissa, and Mason spent some time with us.  We are always amazed how much Mason changes each time we see him.  He is almost 21 months old and is so easily entertained.

He loves going outside and playing in one of our flower beds in the back yard.  The rocks are interesting, he moves them around for us, something we just don't take the time to do.  He loves just walking in the grass.  He helped deadhead a mum plant. 

Okay,  I was doing the deadheading, he was pulling fresh blooms - but it will bloom again and we were having fun!  I think I need Mason around more often - that flower bed is well weeded but the others need attention!

When Grandpa asks, "Mason are you strong as a shark?"  he does the body builder pose and his whole upper body and head shake.  Grandpa just can't get enough of that one!  The harder Grandpa laughs the more Mason does it.  It gets to the point where sometimes Grandpa doesn't even have to say anything - Mason just looks at Grandpa and flexes!

We took Mason to the park one night.  Here are some pictures. 


He loved climbing up this slide. He would run to Grandpa and say, "up, up!" wanting Grandpa to help him climb up the side. 


We discovered Mason is going to take after his Grandpa Michael in loving the newspaper.  Who knew there would be so much interesting stuff in there for an almost 21-month-old toddler?  But there was a tractor, corn, cars, and a horse.  With the Olympics going on I tried to teach him to say "Gabby" but he was more interested in the cars and tractor.

Speaking of words, here are some of Mason's favorites:





'gin (meaning again)

pat-pat (when he pats Belle)

'per (diaper)





I know I am missing a bunch more.

He loves books.  One of his favorite toys here is my Michael Waltrip diecast car.  It's not a Hot Wheels-sized car, but a bigger model.  It's not light either, but he loves that car.  I'm sure when my brother Jim gave it to me he never imagined that being a hot ticket item for one of our grandkids.  Mason even said "back" and put it back on the shelf where I keep it before he left. 

Yep, Mason is easily entertained, but so are we. 

When you look forward to something as simple as asking Mason if he is strong as a shark, you know life is good. 

Grandpa will definitely be asking that 'gin. 

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