Wednesday, November 13, 2013

One Week

I've written about my LapBand surgery 4-1/2 years ago.  It doesn't seem like it has been that long but Lucy (what I named my band) has hung in there with me and done her job day in and day out.

Me?  Eh... I haven't been as consistently diligent as Lucy.

Before my surgery I imagined getting down to my high school weight.  That wasn't very realistic.  At my lowest I was down 100 pounds, but my body really seemed to like being down 90 pounds from my highest.  And I was fine with that.  I definitely learned that the number on the scale was not the way to determine my success with my LapBand surgery, but rather how my health had improved.  Here are the improvements I have had:

My high blood pressure, going up even on medication, is now right where it should be.

My cholesterol levels, also going up on medication, are AWESOME!   A dietitian actually told me my levels were better than hers!  Woot - woot!

Sleep apnea - gone.

And hopefully I've gained some years to spend with my husband, kids and grandkids.

I am still on medication for my high blood pressure and high cholesterol, but that is often the case when there is a family history.  I'm just happy the numbers are no longer creeping up, but are controlled and good.  

But I have to admit I've gotten lazy.  

About 18 months ago my weight gradually went up 15 pounds.  And I have pretty much stayed there ever since.  The cause?  Likely middle age plays a part in it as that middle-age muffin top  appeared one night while I was sleeping.  (Cruel Mother Nature - cruel.)  But I have to be honest and say I am not following all my LapBand rules like I should.  I drink too many calories, I don't drink enough water, I don't exercise enough (this one is no surprise to me), and my food choices are not always stellar.  

Lucy consistently has my back.... (stomach?).  If I choose a food that I really should know better not to even attempt Lucy lets me know it wasn't such a good idea.  If Lucy had a voice she would be saying, "Really Barb? You've eaten this before and it didn't work so well.  What were you thinking? I'm going to have to veto this!"  

I am glad Lucy cannot speak as she sends me strong enough messages as it is.  I have never regretted having my LapBand surgery. I feel it has truly been a lifesaver.

Thursday I was getting my shoes on to head out the door to walk with a friend.  I had turned the television on as Michael was on his way home from work but between the time when I left and he got home I didn't want the dogs to feel like they were being abandoned.  The TV would at least offer some human voices until Michael got home. 

Dr. Oz was on.  I have to be honest, I am not a huge fan of Dr. Oz, but he was talking about ways to get the scale moving again.  (I'm guessing this was a God timing thing again. God sure seems to have a lot to say to me lately!) I didn't catch all of it, but  I did see it long enough to see these 3 suggestions he had:

1.   When you want to snack eat veggies and fruits that are high in water content.  This helps flush the system and is low in calories.  This includes melons, strawberries, celery, and cucumbers. 

2.  If you want carbs, eat a sweet potato rather than a plain potato.

3. No BLTs (bites, licks, or tastes)

So for one week I am going to be more diligent about concentrating on protein (very important with the LapBand), adding in the above fruits and veggies that Lucy will tolerate, drinking less calories, and getting more water in.

I don't eat a lot of carbs so that one isn't a big issue for me, but always a good reminder.

On the other hand, #3 is a hard one for me.  I'm a beater licker from way back. That's half the fun of baking!

It is going to be a challenging week.  I am used to my chai (several cups a day) and a cup of hot chocolate here and there, but I really want to see what the scale does after a week of being very intentional about this.  

I know if the scale goes down it will mainly be water weight this first week, but at this point I will gladly take that!  I am hoping if I can get the scale moving it will make me motivated to continue to be better about what I eat and drink - especially heading into the holidays.  

I'll update you in a week.  


Just a reminder - enter my giveaway by Sunday evening!!  See the post below for details.  NOTE:  If you already entered here on my blog, please check to make sure your comment posted.  I don't want you to have taken the time to comment and not have your comment appear  - this was the case for one of my readers. (Likely a blogger hiccup.)

Happy Wednesday!

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