Monday, November 11, 2013

The 10,000 Giveaway!

The News
I am so excited!!!  

My blog has now had 10,000 views and it is time to celebrate!!!

No, I'm not giving away $10,000.  I know there are sad and surprised faces out there.  But I do have two awesome prizes up for grabs!

The Prizes
First, a $25 Barnes & Noble Gift card  (ooooohh)

I love Barnes & Noble.  I love browsing, I love buying, I love sitting and having a Starbucks while thumbing through a new book.  I've often wondered if there is a time limit you can linger there before they nicely encourage you to move along.  If so, I haven't reached it yet!  

I love to encourage reading. My mom was an avid reader and was a librarian for a period of time.  She loved that job.  I think it would be akin to me working as a chocolate sampler. (sigh)  We would go up to the library every week and check out new books.  Michael and I put a Little Free Library in our front yard in memory of my mom.  

The other prize is a $25 Amazon card!  (aaaahhhhh!)

Use it for something for you or to do some Christmas shopping!  Amazon has about everything you can think of.  

The "legal" stuff
I should mention that these prizes are not given by a sponsor.  Little 'ol me is not a sponsored blog.  Anything given away on here comes from me or some of my awesome family and friends.  You'll always know the source.  
In this case Mr. D & I are responsible for the prizes.

How Do I Enter???
So how do you win?  Easy!  

Either comment here or on my blog Facebook page (the link is to the right - I would love to have you "like" my page) by sharing this information:

your name (first name only is fine)

where you live (city, state)

and what you would do with a gift card if you won.

You have to do all 3 to enter.  

That's it!

The Rules
Enter to win by 8 PM (CST) Sunday night.  
I will announce the winners in next Monday's blog (Nov. 18th) and list my email so winners can send me their complete mailing address. 
Winners will have until 8 PM (CST) Thursday night (Nov. 21) to email me their complete mailing address.  If I have not received a winner's complete mailing address by then I will redraw for the prize and post the new winner on Friday morning.  

I love writing my blog.  It has been good for me.   I see the page views add up and know you are out there reading.  As therapeutic and fun as it is to write and share on my blog, it is you taking time from your busy schedule to read it that  completes the circle and keeps me posting.

And it means a lot to me when I get a message or email from someone about how much they have enjoyed reading something I have posted.    

So thank you for being there and popping in to see what is going on here.  I never know what direction my blog is going to go - sometimes even I am amazed at the things that show up when I post!  But I can assure you it will likely continue to be a mixture of craziness, joy, silliness, sentimental moments, recipes, and randomness....

....because that is just life with The D's and The Dogs!  


  1. I would love to win either card. Because I am losing my job as of January 15, 2014, with our medical clinic closing, I would use the Amazon card to shop for my grandson for Christmas and the Barnes and Noble card I would use to treat myself to take some relaxing time to enjoy a book or two while I am applying for jobs and will no doubt being stressed out! Thanks Barb - congrats on 10,000

  2. My Name is Faith and I live in Kansas City, MO

  3. Tracy Boone Ia.
    If I won the Amazon there is a quilting tool I have had my eye on (surprised I know).
    Barnes and Noble I would buy Colin ( my new and only Grandson) some books. The only gift his Mother allows.

  4. Melissa
    Pella, Iowa
    If I win either card, I'll probably keep it a secret and buy myself something :)
    I have my eye on a few books!

  5. Lindsay from waterloo ia. Both my kids love to read so the Barnes and Noble would be easy to use. I buy a lot from amazon from presents to cat food. Or buy myself a cover for the new Kindle I just bought myself!

  6. Chelsea from Ames, IA.
    If I won either gift card I would use it to buy books on thesis writing.

  7. Thanks for commenting ladies!

  8. Sandy L in Swea City. I would use the Amazoncard to buy the the turkey I'm giving for our caring and sharing program at work. Barnes and Noble to buy books for the Grandkids.

  9. Katie from Ames, IA...I would use either gift card to jump start my Christmas shopping!

  10. I didn't enter because I don't deserve gift cards. Beth

    1. If you take time to read my blog you are deserving! It's my way to say thanks :)

  11. Shawn
    Ames, IA
    I would regift the Barnes and noble one to my mom who loves to read. I would use the Amazon one along with one my honey gave me for our anniversary, to get a rock tumbler to make more pretty rocks. :) <3 U two

  12. Either one would be wonderful as I can order Christmas presents for the grandkids. Up here we have little m tied shopping available, Just snow and critters.
    Montreal Wisconsin


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