Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Second Thoughts

You all know my love for anything comfy and cozy - with slippers, blankets, and hot beverages fighting for top spot on the list.  No matter what time of year, I love and enjoy them all.

I wear my slippers day in and day out.  I take them on weekend visits to see our kids and whenever we are staying in hotels.  I've gotten good use out of them and to say they are worn out is putting it mildly. So of course my trusty slippers went to Duluth with us on our vacation.  

When it came time to pack up, check out of our hotel, and head home I said to Michael, "I am just going to leave my slippers here in the garbage."

He looked at me and said, "Really?  Are you sure?"
He couldn't have been more surprised and concerned if I had told him I was going to get a mohawk at my next hair appointment.  

I confidently said, "I have new ones at home and these are so worn out."  I showed him where they were coming apart.  I think this was more to reassure myself that leaving them in the garbage in Duluth was the right thing to do.

Then I set them on top of the garbage can, with the heel of one tucked into the toe of the other so they were buddied up together.  

We loaded up our luggage cart  (we looked like we had been there a month) and double and triple checked the room to make sure we had everything.  We were pushing our cart in the hallway with the door to our room about to close behind us when I stopped....

and said, "I can't do it."

I dashed back to the garbage can, retrieved my friends slippers, and tucked them in my tote. 

Michael looked at me with a knowing smile.

Knowing I had to say something in my defense I said, "I'll throw them away when I get home.  It isn't right to leave them here... in a foreign place.  They deserve to be thrown away at home, where they are used to their surroundings."

Honestly, this was what I said to Michael.  


I'm not even going to pretend this is normal for 99% of the population, but it is life with me.

Isn't my hubby lucky???

So I brought my slippers home - yep they made the 6-1/2 hour drive home - .....where I promptly I threw them in the garbage. 

And I was fine with that. 

Don't ask.

I can't explain it.

Those friends you have who you think are totally nuts....  

They suddenly don't look quite so nutty, do they?

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