Monday, October 7, 2013

Getting My Skip Back

A classmate from high school told me a year ago, "I can't skip anymore!" 

I thought that is crazy.  I mean... who can't skip!?  We do it so naturally as kids! It is like riding a bike, you never forget how.  Right?

So I decided I needed to try it... surely I could still skip!  There must be something totally wrong with her that she could not!

So I tried it.

And guess what.

My skip was gone too!

I have tried and tried and tried to skip since then, usually when I am alone, but occasionally with my husband - who just shakes his head.  I keep thinking it has to come to me...but I just can not skip.  I am 52 years old, but not being able to skip is pretty disheartening.  

While on vacation recently with my oldest brother and sister-in-law,  I told my brother I had lost my skip.  Obviously this is a big enough deal to me that I now feel the need to share it with others.  My brother is 64 but does not act his age. I mean that in a GOOD way!  

I asked him, "Can you skip?"  

He said, "I don't know, I haven't tried recently!"  

I said, "Give it a try!"

So at Split Rock Lighthouse,  in the busy parking lot, my brother was showing me his best skip. Oh I wish I had my camera ready!  It wasn't as good as we did as kids, but he did great!  Let's just say he can skip much better than I can. 


My ego was bruised, but it made my heart happy to see my 64-year-old brother public... and not caring!  Some days it just doesn't take much to make me smile.

A few days later, a mother and daughter were skipping down the street in Duluth.  They made it look so effortless. My loving husband pointed out, "Look, they are skipping!!"  

(double sigh)

If you see my skip out and about please send it my way.  My husband is getting a little unnerved seeing me attempt it off and on.  He usually says, "Don't hurt yourself!" You would think I was bungee jumping or sky diving rather than simply trying to skip.   I think he fears there is an ER visit in my future if I continue trying it. 

ER Doctor:  "Mrs. Morris, how did this injury occur?"

Me:  "I just wanted to skip, doc."  

ER Doctor:  "And how old are you?"



So readers and followers, can you still skip? 

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