Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Seniors in the Bunch

It's not often I get photos of our grandchildren Jacob and Abigail, so when we saw them this weekend I knew I needed to take advantage of the opportunity!  They are our oldest grandchildren with Jacob now 12 and starting junior high this fall (how did that happen??) and Abigail is 8.


Jacob loves reading as you can see.


He also likes sleeping in, video games, and food (this growing guy is always hungry), but thankfully he is not into girls yet (whew  - his parents are breathing a big sigh of relief at that).  Did I mention he enjoys sleeping in? Jacob is not looking forward to going back to school - he mentioned something about it being "boring."  He reminds me so much of my Tom - it's amazing they aren't related. 


Abigail likes anything girly and one Christmas idea she gave us was something that turns your bath into a spa.  That is SO Abigail! 


But she also likes video games, fishing, camping, etc.  She is awesome with her cousin Mason - a great babysitter in training.  Abigail is looking forward to school starting this fall. 

You would think the youngest grandchildren would be the hardest to keep up with, get pictures of, etc., but it's really the oldest.  It amazes me how much they have grown and changed over the years.  I don't know why, but it does.  Maybe it is because we see things from a grandparent's point of view rather than a parent's.

When Michael and I got married I became an instant grandmother to Jacob and Abigail and they showed me how much fun being a grandparent was.  I remember playing with them when they were just 5 and 1.  I just wish they would slow down a bit in their growing.  Jacob is as tall as me and Abigail isn't far away.

Grandchildren certainly remind you how blessed you are!

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