Monday, August 6, 2012


Since Sunday was Friendship Day I thought it was a great time to do a blog about why I love my friends so much.  It is said that friends are the family we choose for ourselves.  That is so true!


My friends....

......have seen me at my worst and love me anyway.

....have laughed with me.

......have cried with me.

....sometimes know me better than I know myself.

.....are great gigglers.  Giggling with a friend is awesome, especially the kind that won't stop.  Just when you think you are done you think of the thing that started the giggles in the first place and off you go again.

.....share not only the good things in their lives, but are comfortable sharing the other stuff too.

...let me be there for them when needed.  Nothing beats having a friend call you when she needs to talk to someone.  Love that trust! 

.... and I can pick up where we last left off, without missing a beat.

....can have a great time doing something as simple as reading greeting cards in the store. just to say "how are you doing?" and stop in for no reason at all.

....are a blast to go shopping with but it's really not the shopping, it's the conversation that takes place while you are together. out for me if I forget where I park the car.
....can laugh when life gets crazy.
....understand the slippers and jammies thing.
I found this quote and thought it seemed perfect for today's blog.

"A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

I love my friends :)

Thanks friends, for walking in and staying.

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