Monday, June 25, 2012

Block Party

Last week we had another block party - it was Mexican Night.  We had more than 20 people come.  Here are some of the highlights from the night:

Sam drove down in his car with his sister Lilly.  Look at the parking job he did!  I was kind of embarrassed as he parks better than I do.

This is Jack.  He makes the funniest faces.  He brought his rock transporter (stroller) and rock collection.  His mission for the night was to find out how old everyone was.

We dug out the sidewalk chalk and the kids decorated the driveway.  This time they decided that ice mixed with sidewalk chalk made for a fun  combination!

Here's Sam and Lilly in their ride.

 Here's Patti and Chelsea.

This is Karsyn.  She used to call me "Bob."  I loved that.  Especially when she was dressed as a dragon one Halloween, walking down the sidewalk and hollering, "Hey Bob!" and waving.   She has grown like a weed over the winter!


More chalk/ice art.


This is Maddison - I had a different picture of her, but she liked this one the best!  She has sprouted over the winter too.  She and Karsyn are sisters. 


Doug, Mary Beth, Summer with Sebastian, and Sara.  We had some new people stop by  - it's always great to meet new neighbors!

It was fun to get pictures of the block party, but sometimes words are necessary. 

For instance, here are some memorable things we learned at our block party this time:

Sam and Lilly will be having a baby sister!

We learned how "home away from home" hockey parents work.

It seems everyone runs... well almost everyone.

We got to meet Augie  - 3 years old, and Sebastian - 7 weeks old, and Summer and Mike.

Don't ask Jesse to make you a canoe rack for your car, it will destroy your garage.

Aubrey would hop on a luggage rack with me in a heartbeat for a ride.

Patti is likely having a Dole Pineapple Whip as I type this


Vern and Donna will be great grandparents!

Great night

Great neighbors

Great fun!

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