Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Big Guy

You know you are starting to sound like your parents when you say, "Where has the time gone?"  But this weekend, I couldn't help but think that.  You see this weekend was my "baby's" birthday. 

Okay, so my baby isn't a baby anymore, he's 27 now, but to moms everywhere, no matter what age you are, you are always our little boy or little girl.  That doesn't mean we don't see our kids as adults with accomplishments and families of their own, but our hearts just hold onto all those memories we have gathered through the years. 

With his birthday over the weekend, it made me think back to when he was born.  Tom arrived 2 weeks later than his due date at  8 pounds 3 ounces.  That should have been my clue that he would be one laid back kid.  (Quick question:  Why can I remember his weight 27 years ago, but not what I had for lunch yesterday???) 

So, as moms everywhere do, I took a trip down Memory Lane.

My first thought was one of my favorite memories - rocking Tom to sleep - not because he needed it, but because it was my time to just sit and hold him... and look at him.  I guess I needed it.  :)

Then I started thinking of all the things that were important to him as a little boy.  Here's a brief recap of some of his favorites:  

He loved doing "Pony Boy." 

His heroes were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  He had every form of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles imagineable:  plush, numerous action figures, movies, colorbooks, backpacks, clothing, bedding, etc. 

He loved Lego sets.

I've stepped on more of them in my lifetime than I care to remember. 

He loved checking to see what was in the cookie jar when he went to his grandparents.  Both grandmothers always had awesome cookies on hand. 

He loved Garfield (pronounced "Garfedo" when he was little).

He had the funniest sense of humor.

And that sense of humor didn't change as he grew older :)
He was always very compassionate and stood up for the underdog.  He has always worn his heart on his sleeve. 

He has always been a hugger and always says "I love you."

Now Tom is in college. Both he and his wife, Laura, are pursuing education majors. Within a few years they will both be done with school and on their way to teaching. In addition to college, they are both working for a school system getting hands on training for their future careers. I admire both of them so much, because it isn't easy to work and go to school at the same time. I've done it. But they are doing it and supporting each other through the whole process.

So even though he is an adult, in college, and married, 27 years later I remember the little boy who I rocked to sleep and bounced on my knee when doing "pony boy" and I realize not much has changed. 

He still likes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

He still loves Legos.  He'll help kids put them together just to be able to play with them himself, but will readily admit he wants to play with them, even if the kids don't. 

He still doesn't turn down a good homemade cookie.

He wants to start a petition to bring back Garfield's Christmas.

He still has his awesome sense of humor.  He wants to go to outerspace with Michael for a guys' weekend and get tattoos.  Bizarre, I know, but that's my Big Guy. 

His compassion for others has only grown over the years. 

And he still is a hugger and says "I love you."

The only difference is that my little boy is now 6 feet tall. 

I am very proud of my son, in the young boy he was, the man he is now, and how he has stayed so true to himself. 

Those future students will be very lucky to have him for a teacher.

I should know...

 I feel very lucky to have him for my son.

Happy Birthday Big Guy - I love you.  (Hug)

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