Monday, February 27, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For

This winter has been crazy mild.  I've loved the nicer temperatures we have had, but part of me was really missing a good snow.   We were supposed to get a winter storm about a month ago and it turned into nothing.

I was rather disappointed.  

I work from home, so a good snow usually does nothing to inconvenience me.  It doesn't affect the length of my commute, it doesn't affect how I dress for the day,  and I don't have to get out in the cold, so it's easy for me to wish for a good snow when I don't have to deal with it the way others do.

I was talking with a friend just 3 days ago, saying I would really like a good snow.  I miss seeing the white-covered ground.  There are some days where I have had to remind myself it is really winter, because it just does not look like it or feel like it.  However, I did clarify that I really did not want snow THIS weekend.   Be careful what you wish you for.

You see I was supposed to go to Chicago this weekend.  I had a date with two of our grandchildren.  It was also going to be a "girls weekend" with my long-time friend Linda from Clear Lake going with me and spending some girl time with my daughter, Liz.  Linda is like a second mom to my kids.  We were able to get together last year and were planning another girls weekend, leaving at noon Friday for Chicago.

Apparently God had different plans for us for the weekend.  While my plans included hugging and kissing grandchildren, special moments with my daughter and good friend, shopping, and giggling over silly stuff.... you know, GIRL stuff.....

This is what God had in mind: 

I have to admit, it is really pretty.

Dad's memory tree was covered in snow

The snow was so wet it was neat to see how it had collected on things. 

I couldn't help but enjoy the look of winter... finally.

The snow was preceded by rain, and the switch to snow left roads in the state ice and snow covered by Friday morning.  The thought of traveling 5-1/2 hours on questionable roads just is not what I wanted to do.  I take that back, I wanted to, but practicality sets in and you know you really should just stay put, especially when the snow tracked the same path I would be driving.

But you see, I had promised our grandson I would be back this weekend.  We were out there briefly last Sunday when we took the piano out.  Just long enough to drop it off, have a quick lunch, and get in as many "I love you's" and kisses as is possible in less than 2 hours. 

I was going to watch Liam play soccer, read him books, play Hexbug and trains with him, and sneak in kisses when he lets me. (He is still tolerant of those kisses luckily.)  And I was going to smooch our granddaughter to pieces, chase her around,  hopefully rock her to sleep again, marvel at how quickly she is growing and changing, and wonder where the last year has gone.  

I was also going to get to spend some mother-daughter time with my daughter, get caught  up on things in person, and just plain be silly.  And being able to see my friend Linda, which also doesn't happen as often as I would like, was a bonus on top of everything else.

I'll admit it, I am exhausted. This week has been crazy and came on the heels of our zip trip to Chicago with the piano.  It wasn't intended to be a busy week, but sometimes busy sneaks up on you, things get added to your schedule that need to get done,  and you have no choice but to roll with it. 

Sometimes I think God puts big roadblocks in our way to slow us down when we would otherwise run ourselves crazy.  So maybe He knew I needed the rest.  I'm not saying blame me for the snow, so don't send me hate mail or anything like that. 

They say God sometimes whispers in your ear, and if you don't get the message He may tap you on your shoulder. If that message goes unheeded He sometimes has to take stronger measures to get our attention.  Maybe the snow was the roadblock I needed to just "be" this weekend. 

While I'm missing the time with the grandchildren, my daughter, son-in-law, and good friend,  I'm trying to rest up and get caught up on things I need to do here, so when I do get to make that trip I'll be  able to play with the grandkids like I want to. Until then....

Message received.


  1. Mom-
    I told Brian yesterday that I think it really ended up being a good thing you guys were not able to make it out this weekend- I was dead tired after class Friday night so did not get the birthday cake baked like I had planned- I spent ALL of Saturday (before the party) working on the cake, & that's time I wouldn't have had or would have been really crunched & I would have felt like I was ignoring you & Linda if you had been here...
    You know what they say about "best laid plans"...
    Love you!

  2. I'm glad you needed the time to get things done too. Life just gets crazy sometimes! Love you - Mom


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