Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Me Too!

During my ER visit last week I was blessed to have a wonderful young doctor with a terrific bedside manner. When Dr. McCaughey came in to do my digital block I told him the older I get the younger doctors look.  He laughed.  He said he hears about how young he is a lot and he would probably be disappointed when the time comes he stops hearing it.  

After letting my thumb numb up, he came back to put the stitches in.  Sitting in the ER (nowadays referred to as "ED" for Emergency Department) on a Friday night, when most people are out celebrating the end of another work week, I couldn't help but ask him, "What made you choose Emergency Medicine?"

Dr. McCaughey:  "Well I'm not good with delayed gratification.  I like immediate gratification and in Emergency Medicine that happens.  People come in with immediate needs and I get to work on them right away. I like running tests and knowing the results ASAP.  I have a short attention span."

(I liked his honesty, could so relate to the short attention span at this point in life and thought "me too.").

Dr. McCaughey:  "And I didn't want to be tied to a pager.  Working in the ER I am scheduled to work certain shifts.  When I'm not working my time is my own."  

(I had never thought of that, but it made perfect sense to me. When I'm not working I too want my time to be my own. )

Dr. McCaughey:  "And I get to work in my pajamas (aka scrubs)."

I had quietly listened to him tell me what made him choose this specialty, watching as he placed stitch after stitch in my thumb, repeating the same process for each.  But at the word "pajamas" I immediately came to life and excitedly said: 

I then explained that I work from home and the first thing people say when they hear that is "Oh, you work in your pajamas!"  I told him I really don't (very often) but my dress code is pretty relaxed and comfortable.

I hope you don't need the services of our local ER anytime soon, but if that time comes I hope you are blessed with the services of Dr. McCaughey.  

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