Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Curb Appeal

Planting perennials in the window box and in pots by the front door seemed like a good idea.  I thought we could enjoy the flowers in the containers for the summer then I could plant them in flower beds at the end of the season and it wouldn't be money wasted.  

I was actually pretty proud of coming up with this idea.  I thought we would be saving money by "recycling" plants, at the end of the season I could fill in bare spots in the landscaping with plants from the window box and I would have a greater variety of flowers to pick from and not be limited to only annuals.

It really did seem like a good idea.

But I was disappointed in the way the window box looked this year, especially considering how much money I spent on those flowers  - eek!  It just didn't have the flowy, trailing, spilling appearance I love.  When it comes to window boxes, I absolutely love spilling!  So as happens every year about this time, I lost that lovin' feeling for the window box... pots..... and the watering.  

Here's how it looked Sunday before I removed all the plants.  I told Michael I thought it was devaluing the house.

Life lesson #1472 - stick with annuals for the window box and just enjoy them for as long as they last.

I did replant the tick seed - the middle upright flower that actually has some green to it.  There were 3 tick seed in the window box and I planted them around the Little Free Library.  

The rest of the plants I tossed.


So much for saving money. 
On the upside, I think the value of our house has just gone up.

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