Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Will Work For Treats

The other evening this was the sight at our house.

It's nothing unusual, it's the norm.

We talked about the fact that the dogs were sleeping... again.  The next thing I knew Michael had the Kindle.  

Me:  "What are you looking up, D?"

Michael:  "I'm looking up why dogs sleep all the time."

Here are some interesting doggy facts he discovered:

1.  The average pampered house dog sleeps 50% of the time, rests 30% of the time, and is active 20% of the time.  

2.   Doggy sighs, much like human sighs, mean dogs are content.  
(Except when I threaten to spray Belle's paws with Bitter Apple  - aka "Apple Dapple" to keep her from licking them.  All it takes is to say "Apple Dapple" and I get a dog sigh, however, that sigh is the equivalent to a human rolling their eyes.)  

3.  Dogs sleep so much because they are bored.  

4.  Nonworking dogs sleep because they have no responsibilities.  

5.  Dogs rest to conserve energy.  With the energy conserved at our home Alliant should be paying us each month. 

So we thought maybe we needed to give Belle and Willow some responsibilities.  We brainstormed some jobs we could give the dogs.  Since July is National Ice Cream Month we thought about saddling up Belle and Willow with mini saddles with cup holders and sending them to McDonald's to fetch us ice cream cones. The image was fun to picture, but we really couldn't imagine them returning with two intact cones.  

To be honest we couldn't come up with any chores to give them.  Belle is already in charge of security in the house and neighborhood and Willow is comic relief.  They are both wonderful company and listen really really well. Okay, I need to clarify that sentence:  they are good listeners!... listen well as in obeying commands  - not so much.  

I guess maybe they are already doing their "job" as they make our home complete.    

But... if you find you need someone to chase a squeaky stuffed frog, lay in your flower beds, hold down the blankets on the sectional or sofa, snore you to sleep, bark when the UPS guy arrives, let you know when it is 4:30 p.m., follow you around the house so you are never lonely, or go in and out of the house repeatedly for no reason at all - these are your girls.  

Will work for treats.


Reference sources:

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