Monday, July 28, 2014

3 Ways To Do Good!

I couldn't resist sharing 3 of my favorite "do-good" websites.  Check them out!

Do Good!

3.  Kickstarter:  On this site you'll find people trying to fund projects - from Little Free Libraries (we have helped fund several), to books, to music projects.  We had a micro brewery here in town just get funded through Kickstarter!  All projects list a timeframe to raise money, how much they want to raise, and there are usually perks for those donating - the larger the pledge the greater the perk.   If you find something you are interested in funding you pledge whatever amount you wish.  Then if the project reaches its goal you are actually charged when the fundraising ends.  If the project is not completely funded you are charged nothing. 

Check it out here.  

2.  Animal Rescue Site:  I love that this costs nothing!  Your click on this site feeds animals in shelters.  You can sign up to be reminded to click with a daily e-mail.   You can do this level only.

They also have a smartphone app I downloaded which allows me to "pet" 3 animals in one session, giving rescue animals additional kibble.  I have added this and do this one as well. 

In addition, for the animal lovers,  there is a pet-themed store where you can shop their products.  Those purchases give additional food to shelter animals.  Depending on what you purchase from the store, your donation is defined as "X bowls of food".  Purchasing items is optional. 

To help feed animals in shelters click here.

1.  Sevenly:  This is one I learned about recently from one of the "Salt girls,"  Ashley.  Each week this site partners with a great charity and offers a T-shirt (and sometimes other products as well).  For each item purchased they donate money to that charity.  Last week's charity was Made In a Free World which is fighting child slave labor in India where children are made to work in dangerous mines, sometimes as early as when they learn to walk.  This charity is working to get the children out of the mines and in schools, where they belong. 

Check this week's cause here.  

Do good!!

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