Friday, October 18, 2013

Foodie Friday! - Cheez-It Chicken

And so it goes - I get on Pinterest, see one of my coworkers/relatives/friends/neighbors has pinned a recipe, I repin it, and the next thing I know I am making it. 

I actually had another really good recipe planned for today, but one taste of this and I knew I had to tell you about this recipe first!   I found the link for this recipe here.  

So run, do not walk, to the store to get any ingredients you may be missing  - it only requires 4 so your list will not be long!    

The chicken is tender.... and moist....and the coating is wunnnnderful.  
This is deee-lish!  

Here's what you will need:

Cheez-It Chicken

8 chicken tenderloins
1 cup sour cream
3 cups Cheez-Its, crushed
1/2 cup butter, melted

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Crush the Cheez-Its by placing them in a large Ziploc bag and rolling them with a rolling pin.  Place the sour cream in one dish, the Cheez-It crumbs in another, and your empty baking dish next to that. 

 I always rinse chicken under running water.  After doing that I rolled each piece of chicken in the sour cream to cover and transferred it to the Cheez-It crumbs, rolling to cover thoroughly.  Place the coated chicken in a baking dish.  Repeat until all the chicken has had a swim in the sour cream and rolled around in the crumbs.  Then drizzle with the melted butter.  

Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes and this is the result.

Doesn't that golden brown chicken just look awesome???

This was very inexpensive to make.  
Chicken tenderloins  - $4.23.
Cracker crumbs less than $1.00.
Sour cream  - less than $1.00.
Butter  -  0.50.  

This serves 4 (2 chicken tenders per person).  The total cost was about $6.20, so just a bit over $1.50 a person.

We had this with potato wedges made in much the same style.  It was an easy meal to make and would be wonderful with homemade applesauce to finish it off.

I used Cojack Cheez-Its as that is what we had on hand. 

Give this one a try and let me know what you think!

Happy Friday!

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