Monday, October 21, 2013

Did I Really Say That?

Warning:  After working at home with only basset hounds to talk to you can't safely send me out in the neighborhood to talk with people without there being some repercussions.  

Here are two totally embarrassing things I have said when going to the doors of neighbors I don't know:

2.  "Do you live here?"  

Yep.   I asked a new neighbor that just this weekend when he answered the door.  The thing was he looked way too young to be a homeowner and that caught me by surprise.... and resulted in, "Do you live here?"  Michael was with me and couldn't stop laughing.  Walking away I was just relieved he didn't say, "No, I'm robbing the joint, hoping to finish up before the homeowners get back. Can I help you?"

And if that wasn't bad enough....

1.  "Are you married?"  

It was first thing that popped out of my mouth when a man on a different street answered his door a couple of years ago. What caught me off guard was that it was mid afternoon on a Sunday and he was in pajamas.  I was jealous, I admit it,  but also surprised.  If I was at home in my pajamas I wouldn't answer the door.  So I only had the split second between when he opened the door and I opened my mouth to process this information - resulting in a completely confused,  "Are you married?"  I simply wanted to know if there was a woman in the house (hopefully dressed a bit more appropriately) with whom I could speak.  

In hindsight it wasn't a great choice of words.  

Michael said I keep him amused.  

Hopefully the neighbors feel the same way. 

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