Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today - 12:40 a.m.

It's one of those nights where I woke up at midnight and couldn't get back to sleep.  As I'm laying there I realize I don't have a blog ready for today.  I have quite a few started, but nothing really blog ready.  So after 40 minutes of laying there awake I decided I might as well get up and work on today's blog, because if I don't blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, something really drastic could happen!! 

And I know your day just isn't complete if there isn't a new post to read. 

So just for you I got out of bed, made a  cup of chai, cuddled up with a blanket, got out the computer, turned QVC on mute, (just outed myself) and here I am.

So, what to blog about?   Then it hit me!  Blog about all the things that go through my mind when I can't sleep!  I have to be honest, it is probably a longer list than what my brain accomplishes all day long.  I don't know how or why my mind seems to work overtime at midnight or 2 a.m., I'm just thankful it happens less than it used to.

So here's just a snippet of where my mind wandered in the 40 minutes between waking up and getting up.  Some topics come up numerous times so  I am giving  you a condensed version.

Here goes:

"It's midnight.  I've only been asleep 3 hours.

I'll lay here and try to go back to sleep.

 I love feeling Belle curled up against my legs when  I wake up. And hearing her sigh,  knowing she is content makes ME content.

I didn't water flowers again yesterday, I'll have to make sure to do it before work tomorrow.  Why do I keep forgetting that??

Uh-oh.  I'm thinking a lot.  Stop thinking! You won't get back to sleep if you start thinking!

I also need to water houseplants.

I suppose I should put the greeting card stuff on the table away... or make cards.  I haven't accomplished much since starting my new job.  Luckily the stores and my website are well stocked.

Okay, I'm not going to think.

I'm still thinking.

It's 12:20. 

What is today?  That's right, Wednesday.  Blog day.  I don't have a blog ready.   I have several posts started, but nothing I am really happy with and ready to post.

I need to call Patti.  I meant to do it the last two nights and didn't get it done.

Wednesday.....tonight is date night!  I'm glad we are getting back to our Wednesday date nights.  Even if we don't do more than stay home and cuddle, it's nice to have that night just for us..... looking forward  to that.

It's funny how we are having to "adjust" to our new schedules.  I've always had a few hours to get things done and unwind before Michael got home in the past.  Now that we finish our work day about the same time it is taking some getting used to. I guess we are all creatures of habit. 

I bet people who have always had the same schedule as their spouse or worked these "normal hours" would find it odd that we are having to adjust to a 7:30 to 4:30 schedule!

What should I blog about tomorrow?

I'm still thinking too much.  I'll try not thinking....

I can't believe I keep forgetting to water flowers.

Well so much for NOT thinking.

I could get up and work on my blog.  I'm laying here thinking about it anyway.

Why can my brain get so much accomplished during the night - things it doesn't remember during the day, like watering my flowers?

I haven't eaten much this week.  I'm so busy with work that I don't even think to take breaks or stop for lunch until my stomach growls, which would probably explain why I felt a little lightheaded when walking with Loretta yesterday. 

I really need to drink more water too.

I should have bought more of the tea last night while it was still on sale.

It's 12:40. 

Okay, I'm going to get up and have some chai and work on my blog - might as well accomplish something!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There you have it.

Now that I have a blog done the earth will continue to turn on its axis.

I've saved the world and everyone is asleep and doesn't even know it.

You're welcome


Good night!

1 comment:

  1. So, did you get back to sleep??
    My mind wanders only when I first lay down, I never have trouble in the middle of the night. I suppose that day will come?


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