Monday, August 20, 2012

Commuting Part 2

Working from home has both pros and cons, just as working onsite does.  Now that I'm back working from home, here's what I missed most about being home.

Quality time with Michael 

Time with Belle


My dress code (No, I DON'T work in pajamas, but Shannon and Shelly do!)

Not having to deal with impatient drivers

Having my microwave to myself

Not smelling burned popcorn


Singing to Belle and talking in my dog voice (although there is a girl in triage at the clinic who has a basset.  Once we discovered we were both basset lovers we were soon talking in our doggy voices to each other while I was onsite.  Others looked on thinking we had totally lost it.)

Watering my flowers - I actually forgot to water them for several days - luckily they did okay

Not being home brought Belle's separation anxiety out full force.  Now she refuses to eat until she has a feel for what the day is going to be like and if we are staying or going.  She does NOT like being alone.  A Dentastix still bribes her into Camp Belle, but barely 

The gas savings

Not having to pay attention to the weather (how lazy am I?)

Some level of noise.  The last week I was onsite I was in an office by myself...with no noise!!  My job for the last 19 years involved listening all day (yes I heard voices in the past).  Since this job is different and most of it involves proofing and editing there is no constant voices or noise so  I am enjoying having the radio on softly in the background.  Life 96.1!!

Being able to pick the house up on my breaks.  I never realized how much I was able to get done until I was gone all day.

Call it old fashioned, but I still enjoy being here when Michael gets home from work, even if I'm finishing up my day at work when he walks in the door.

My office. 

It's yellow, has photographs from my favorite photographer, our dog hangs out there... and it's perfect for me.  I'm fortunate to have such a nice office to work in.

Working from home isn't for everyone, but I love it.

There's no place like home  :)

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