Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Top 5 List

I've shared some pretty personal things on my blog, but today I am going to share some of the silliest things I have done recently.  Chalk them up to midlife and the toll that has taken on my brain.  

So as I count down to #1,  sit back and laugh, because sometimes that is all you can do!

I was making a cup of chai and forgot to put the chai in the mug (otherwise it is just a cup of really really hot water). 
Okay, I have done this more than once.

I lost two emails that were sent to me.  Ones I had requested.  I searched my deleted folder and every other folder, but still couldn't find them so had to ask for them to be sent again. 

The most embarrassing part is they were from the same person.


If they show up in your inbox, please let me know. 

This one was actually a couple of months ago, but it had to make the list.  Last spring when we were in Duluth I shopped at TJ Maxx and found Philosophy's Apricots and Cream Body Wash.  We came home and I used it every other day for a couple of months, rotating with another of my favorites.  Some of Philosophy's shower gels are actually 3 in 1's, meaning you can also use them as shampoo.  So one morning in the shower I decided to look at the label closer to see if I could use it as a shampoo as well.

I had not bought body cream or a 3-in-1.  I had been showering off and on with body lotion!

I felt so silly....

but had awesomely soft skin!

Michael and I went to Des Moines and went by a place called The Lumber Yard.  It was noon on a Saturday.  I said to Michael, "That's odd, you would think they would be open at mid day on a Saturday.  How are they going to stay in business if they aren't open?  Do you think they have moved?"  I just kept rambling, concerned about this business and why they weren't optimizing their chances for sales.

Finally when I stopped talking I looked at Michael.  He was smiling and said, "Honey it's not that type of lumber yard." 

Then  I remembered.... The Lumber Yard is a strip club.

'Nuf said.

And probably the silliest thing I did recently...

It was pretty hot out and I let Belle outside, did a few errands, and went to get her back in the house so she didn't get too warm. I opened the sliding glass door, calling for her in my "Belle voice"...(I apologize to my neighbors for hearing it, but I have to speak in my Belle voice at times).  I'm saying "Belle, it's too hot to stay outside, this is craziness  - it is crazzyyy!  Come on, time to come inside!" 

I repeated this several times, thinking she would eventually come.

I didn't spot her anywhere in the backyard so figured she was beside the deck where I couldn't see her and I would give her just a few more minutes. 

I closed the door and turned around, and there on the sectional

sat Belle...

staring at me

head cocked to the side (you know the look).  

The confused look on her face said it all  

"What in the world are you doing????" 

All I could do was say, "Ohhh,'re already in."   

It's pretty sad when your dog has it more together than you do.

Enjoy :)

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Doggy Dementia (CCD)

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