Monday, July 16, 2012

Public Service Announcement

Okay friends - this is not your typical post I do, but one that is important to me and which I feel is worth doing, so bear with me! 

It's going to get really personal really fast.

About 5 years ago (at age 44) I noticed blood in my stool. (I warned you!  But stick around - I promise it is worth it.)   A trip to the doctor's office confirmed what I knew the next step would be,  a colonoscopy.  An initial screening colonoscopy is usually done at age 50, so I was quite a bit ahead of schedule.    I was scheduled for a colonoscopy a week later. 

As soon as the colonoscopy was over,  Dr. Husain told me he found several small polyps and one large, precancerous polyp.  He told me I was very fortunate.  He said it was a good thing I had gone to the doctor and that she had gotten me in for a colonoscopy as if I had waited to have my first colonoscopy at age 50 it would not have been good news.

Since my initial colonoscopy I have had 1 sigmoidoscopy (an abbreviated colonoscopy studying only the first portion of the colon) and 2 additional colonoscopies.  Each subsequent study has shown good results, but my doctor has wanted to keep an eye on things so I've had studies every 12-18 months.

Today I am scheduled for my 5th study.   If the results from today's study are good, I'm hoping he will let me wait to have another study in 2-3 years. I always tell Dr. Husain how awesome he is and that I enjoy seeing him, but jokingly tell him a little less often would be okay with me.  However,  I greatly appreciate him wanting to be cautious.  Making sure there are no precancerous polyp recurrences is our main goal.

As you've heard, the colonoscopy itself is a breeze, it is the prep that is a nuisance, but necessary.   If you are 50 and haven't had a screening colonoscopy, PLEASE do.  It could be lifesaving.  And if you are younger than 50 and have noticed blood, change in bowel movements, anything different than what is normal for you, etc, please talk to your doctor. 

I am so thankful I did. 

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