Friday, June 15, 2012

Foodie Friday! - Snickerdoodle Bread

If you follow us on Facebook you know that each week I bake something.  We call it Morris Morsels.  Each Sunday I post what I will be baking for the week and friends who are interested in that week's goodie "order." 

Then the fun part - baking and delivering!

I found this recipe on Pinterest.  If you don't know about Pinterest you browse photographs and make virtual bulletin boards.  I have a basset bulletin board, a heart bulletin board, a yellow bulletin board, a Minnesota Vikings bulletin board, a pink bulletin name it, you can make a bulletin board of it!  And just when you think you have run out of bulletin board ideas - you think of another one!  Pinterest requires you to receive an invite, so if you'd like to check it out let me know.

I have a food board and have pinned dozens of delicious-looking recipe ideas.  I've only made about a handful of them.  This recipe has been in the back of my mind for weeks and I finally decided to make it the Morris Morsel for the week

... and make guinea pigs of our friends :)

You gotta love friends who say "sign me up" for that! 

So here's the recipe.  I can't take credit for it, it came from Lil' Luna's blog, and she modified it from the Babara Bakes blog.

Snickerdoodle Bread

2-1/2 cups flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt (I omitted this)

2 tsp cinnamon*

1 cup butter softened (I used actual butter)

2 cups sugar

3 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

3/4 cup sour cream

1 pkg. Hershey's cinnamon chips

3 T. sugar

3 tsp cinnamon

Cream butter sugar, salt, and cinnamon until fluffy.  Add eggs and mix well.

Add vanilla and sour cream.  Mix well.

Mix flour and baking powder in a separate bowl.  Add to wet ingredients and mix until all are combined. 

Add cinnamon chips and stir into batter.  Set aside.

Spoon batter into 4 mini loaf pans, about 2/3 full.

Mix sugar and cinnamon in a bowl and sprinkle over each loaf. 

Bake at 350 degrees for 35-38 minutes.  Let cool before removing from pan.

I made some modifications of my own with this one.  Here's what I did differently:

I baked about 10 minutes longer than the recipe called for (checking at 5 min increments), so  do the toothpick check for doneness.

.......I omitted the salt. 

.....And I just put the flour and baking powder in the mixer bowl right away, I didn't quarantine them in another bowl prior to joining the party. I'm sure there is a really good reason I am supposed to do that, but I don't know what it is so I don't :)

.....I also made several batches of the bread and only had 1 bag of cinnamon chips and didn't find them at the first store I went to for a second bag, so  I used half a bag of the cinnamon chips instead of the full bag and just increased the cinnamon in each batch by 1/2 tsp (for a total of 2-1/2 tsp).

So enjoy the recipe made by Barbara Bakes,

modified by Lil' Luna,

and remodified by me....

and share it with your friends :)

Oh, and Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. The loaf lasted about 12 and a half minutes at work. I thought ahead and left the butter out to soften overnite... oh yes, real butter!
    I didin't even get a chance to wrm the loaf before they dove in. Count this one a success!


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