Monday, May 21, 2012

2656 Miles

It has been a crazy but fun 6 weeks.  With Michael having Saturdays off since April 1, we decided we should take advantage of it and get on the road. 

I thought it would be fun to recap our weekends.

First - The weekend following Easter we were off to Omaha, Nebraska,  to celebrate Melissa's birthday and go to the Omaha zoo with Tyler, Melissa, and Mason.

Enter "the worst possible weather forecast." Yep, tornadoes, hail, etc. were very likely in the Omaha area, so we turned around and came back home after asking for a rain check for the zoo.  As much as we wanted to spend time with them, we wanted everyone to be safe. 


Then, on the way home from Omaha, I said to Michael, "You know what we should do NEXT weekend??"  Well when it comes to going to Duluth, Minnesota,  Michael does not need to be convinced, so I took a day off from work and we took off on Thursday afternoon and went to Duluth.  We had a fun few days up there, coming  home Sunday.

The next weekend it was off to Yorkville, Illinois,  to see Liz, Brian, Liam, and Morgan.  Another fun weekend!


Then, because the bad weather interrupted our zoo get together with the Tyler Morris family - we headed back to Omaha for a "zoo re-do."  This time the weather cooperated and we got to spend some time with more kids and grandkids and had a fun trip to the zoo.

The next weekend my brother Steve and sister-in-law Pat came and stayed with us.  Thank you Steve and Pat!!  It was awesome to have some time at home and visit with them. 


This weekend it was back to Yorkville to celebrate Liam's 5th birthday and Morgan's 1st birthday.
Party, Party!

It has been a fun 6 weeks.  We have been able to spend time with a lot of our family.

But, we are exhausted!!

Next weekend I have told Michael he can  expect the following:

Lots of pajama time (I think this is a girl thing)

Hanging out in the living room

I plan to bond with the sectional once again.

Relaxing and drinking some chai. 

Cuddling with Michael and Belle.

So if you hear a couple of loud thunks, it is just Michael and I crashing.

Miles driven in the last 6 weeks:  2656

Hours on the road:  46

Number of hugs given and received:  priceless.

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