Monday, April 2, 2012


I mentioned on Facebook that It's All About Me downtown is now carrying my greeting cards, but I have to tell you a bit about how that came about.

My Mom was great at sending cards.  In this electronic age of Facebook, email, texting, etc., I love keeping in touch with people so easily, but there is so much to be said for  a handwritten message on a card - which is why most of my cards are blank inside.  I don't want what I or a greeting card company put on a card to be the message the receiver remembers -  I want it to be the personal note that is written inside.  Don't get me wrong, I love all cards, but I really think we should speak what is in our hearts, not let some greeting card company try to do it for us. 

I have a basket full of cards from over the years.  I can't tell you how much it means to pull out cards my parents sent and to see my Mom's handwriting.  To see her handwritten notes and "We love you" is priceless. 

As you know, Melissa and Lindy asked me to be a part of their Dejigle shop on Etsy when I first started making cards.  I have had a blast listing cards on there and it is fun to see others enjoy them and buy them, but I really wanted to do something locally in addition. 

I had been thinking of taking some cards uptown to It's All About Me.  It's a store for us girls.  It is a spa, but has many fun items we love.   I love the name, not because life should be "all about me" but  because sometimes as women we get so busy doing for others, that we forget to do a little something for ourselves.  It seemed like the perfect place for my cards.  I always thought "at some point" I'll take some cards up there and see what happens.

Well on a Tuesday morning, all of a sudden, I thought "I am going to take some cards up after work today."   This sudden decision came totally out of the blue.  I had no clue if they carried items made by local people.  I had no idea what they had for greeting cards or if they even wanted any, it was really an unknown for me.  And  this was going WAY beyond my comfort zone.  I don't like to put myself out there like that. 

So what else could I do, but pray.... like crazy!  My first prayer was "Please don't let me humilitate myself!"  Knowing where I am in midlife, sometimes the goofiest things come out of my mouth.  My second prayer was, "Please let them take things made locally."  And my last thought, I really didn't pray this as I knew I was pushing it, was "Wouldn't it be awesome if they told me they were thinking of bringing in a new greeting card line?"  I  prayed the above over and over and over... for about 5 hours.  I know, I should have enough faith to realize God hears me the first time.. but the repetition made me feel better...and just in case God was busy earlier (after all, there are more important things in life than cards) and didn't hear me, one more prayer or 10 wouldn't hurt.

So after work, with 29 cards in tote, I mustered up all the courage I had and went uptown.  I had looked at their website that day and noticed they now carried Philosophy (a brand I love!), which was new since I had last been in the store.

I walked in and was greeted by one of the co-owners, Cheryl.  I told her I had come up for 2 reasons and we briefly talked about Philosophy.  Then I said, "The second reason I am here is I wondered if you ever carry items made by people locally."  She said, "Yes we do!"  (One prayer answered).   

I said, "I make greeting cards."  She said, "Did you bring some samples?"  And with that we went to the counter and she began looking at my cards.  I was holding my breath... thinking I hope she likes them! She said, "I have to tell you..." (and I thought "uh-oh, here it comes").... "I am loving your cards!"  You have no idea the relief I felt at that moment.  Her partner, Kathy was not in that day and she needed to talk with her before saying yes definitely, but she could not imagine Kathy not loving them as well.  (Whew... another prayer answered... no humiliation).  She showed me bios that they ask people to make up, telling a bit about themselves and the products they make, and suggested I start working on one.  She would talk to Kathy on Thursday and give me a call. 

So we went back to talking Philosophy and as I was headed out the door with my Philosophy purchase in hand (no cards... they were left behind so Kathy could see them)...Cheryl said, "You know, we have been looking at bringing in a new greeting card line."  She really mentioned it in an oh-by-the-way manner, but the message was loud and clear.  What I spoke aloud, but hesitated to pray about, was even answered! 

As you know Kathy did like my cards, and they now carry them.  I stop up weekly to leave a few more.. organize them, etc.  This week when I stopped up I got to meet Kathy for the first time.  She was so excited about my cards.  She said every time she comes to work she sees new things, and it is always changing.  She said, "Do not stop making them!" 

As if I could :) 

Making the cards is something I love doing, it's really a therapy for me, and each card I make reminds me of my Mom and the messages she wrote each time she sent one.

I told Kathy how nervous I was about coming up that day and how I prayed about it so hard.  She smiled and said "God is amazing, isn't He?" 

Then as I was leaving the store Kathy said, "Did you know we were looking at a new greeting card line at that time?"  The exact same thing Cheryl had told me.

No, I most certainly did not, but He did :)

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