Wednesday, March 7, 2012


If you've seen my posts about greeting cards you've probably heard of Etsy.  If not, let me tell you a bit about it.  Etsy is a website where people set up "shop" and sell homemade, handcrafted items.  You are also able to find some vintage things on there and there are also some crafting supplies available.  Many shop owners on Etsy are like us:  stay-at-home moms like Melissa, college students like Lindy, or someone enjoying a hobby in their free time like me. 

It isn't a bidding site.  If you see something you like you simply buy it.  From what I have seen the prices are usually quite reasonable.  The Etsy community is a very nice community.  Many shop owners let you know that if you are looking for something a bit different than what they have listed, just let them know (convo them) and they will do custom orders when possible.  And if you do buy something from a shop owner on Etsy you will likely get a personal note tucked in with your order when it arrives,  thanking you.  I love that aspect of it.   Let's face it, we all work hard for our money and it is nice to know when a business truly appreciates you supporting them. 

I first heard of Etsy from our daughter-in-law, Melissa.  The next thing I knew she and her sister had set up their shop -  Dejigle.  Melissa makes baby leggings, baby bibs, and baby wash cloths.

Her sister, Lindy, makes tile coasters and tile pendant necklaces.

About that time  I was really needing to do something constructive with my time.  I actually bought some greeting cards from someone else on Etsy and when I got them thought "I could make these."  I used to scrapbook, but with a scrapbook it is usually a themed book which involves more time and planning.  My cards first started out of necessity, making cards for us to send for family birthdays, etc.  But I found I loved doing the cards because the projects were smaller and I could move from one type of card to another and felt I was able to get a lot more done in a short period of time.  Soon I was making more cards than we needed.  Michael was fine with my new hobby as hoarding cards was much more acceptable than becoming a basset hoarder! 

But luckily, the girls asked me to be part of their shop. 

Plus, greeting cards have a special place in my heart.  My mom was very good at sending cards.  Me, not so good.  Many times when I needed a card, I never had that type of card on hand, and would forget to pick one up when out and about.   Then a week or two weeks would go by.  My mom always said, "It's never too late to send a card."  But I was embarrassed about not sending one sooner, so then wouldn't send one at all.   I love the fact that I have almost every type of card on hand, so I'm able to send them out when I need to.  And if I don't have what I need on hand,  I can make it.  I especially came to realize how important it is to send cards when my Mom passed away and we received so many cards from people.  It was then that I "got" the importance of letting people know you are thinking of them.  And never underestimate the impact of a handwritten note on a card.  In this day and age of everything electronic one of my favorite treasures is this basket of cards that my mom sent throughout the years.  I can pull those cards out, read my Mom's notes, and appreciate seeing her handwriting again.  That is priceless.

There are so many amazing, talented people on Etsy.  If you can think of it, someone on Etsy probably makes it. For example:

Last week I was having a stressful day and there was no chocolate in the house.  I try not to buy it often as it is hard to stay out of it if it is here.  But I thought a chocolate truffle would have been so nice to ease a little stress.  Michael had a very stressful week too... so maybe he would like a truffle as well. (Is this justification or what??  "Honey, I was only thinking of YOU!")   And dark chocolate is good for you in small doses, right?  (Okay... overdosing on justification here!) 

So...... off to Etsy I went and I found many people who made chocolate truffles... and so many varieties - milk chocolate, dark chocolate, raspberry, cookie dough, oreo, caramel.  AHHHH!  What to choose?!  I chose a shop in Philadelphia and placed an order for 9 dark chocolate truffles. 

Yep, truffles just like these will be coming to our home soon.....

They were very reasonably priced.  I received an email from the shop owner, Amanda, that she would be making my truffles soon.  I zipped an email back, told her about my stressful day, and that her truffles looked and sounded like the perfect treat.  She emailed on Saturday that she had just made them and they would be sent shortly - and they have now shipped and will be here tomorrow or Friday.

That is what you get from Etsy... you deal with real people who take pride in what they do, interact with you as much or as little as you want, and appreciate your business.  I should add - if you order something like what you spot in our shop, the item is usually shipped the next day, so items arrive very quickly.  In this case with the truffles and any food items, they are made fresh when ordered.... so a little extra patience is required.    Also, buyers give reviews similar to Ebay, so you can see what experiences other people have had with a seller you may be interested in buying something from. 

So if you haven't checked out Etsy... please do so. 

Look at our shop but poke around for other things that interest you as well. 

 For me it is handmade baskets

moose items

wooden signs

Americana things

primitive things


and obviously an occasional chocolate :)

As for Michael and I, when those truffles arrive we will be sitting with our feet up, relaxing,  enjoying just a little bit of Heaven via Amanda and Pavonia Patisserie on Etsy. 

Happy Shopping!

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