Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Whoda Thunk?

Who would have thought I would try blogging?  Certainly not me!  A daughter-in-law suggested I  blog.  I laughed and said, "What do I have to say?"  Most of what I have to say is said to our dog, Belle, who just stares at me and tolerates my constant rambling.  It's kind of the same look I get from my husband sometimes.   Those are the moments when I know that working at home has taken its toll on my social interactions (and them)! 

While I can't tell you what you will see when you visit my blog (that will be a surprise to all of us!)  I can guarantee you there will be humor, recipes, photos, things that make you smile, things that make you wonder what planet I am really from, and hopefully things that will have you nodding your head in agreement as you read. 

I'm still trying to figure out the setup for this whole blogging adventure, so bear with me while it slowly takes shape.  If you are up for the journey, so am I! 

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Doggy Dementia (CCD)

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