Sunday, September 13, 2015

Living Under A Rock

I grew up in a small town of about 800 people while my husband grew up in a city of about 70,000. It's a small town girl, big city boy type of story.  He often teases me that I lived under a rock for a period of time.. and in many ways he is right.  I had never gone to the Iowa State Fair until I met him.  (If you're not an Iowan, that is like living in New York City and never seeing Times Square!)  I still am a small town girl at heart.
Since opening our business I have met many new people and one question I always ask is, "What do you do?"  I am curious about others' occupations.  My eyes still gloss over and I get the "deer in the headlights" look when I hear some of their titles.  Sometimes I ask what their job entails, which is my way of saying, "What on earth is that?"  Other times I am too embarrassed to ask.. and just smile and say, "Oh, I bet that is interesting!"  I am truly interested and care, I just don't always want to admit how naïve I am. 
Recently my high school graduating class had our 35-year reunion.  First of all, that seems totally impossible.  I remember when I thought BEING 35 was old.. and now I'm WAY past 35 with a 35-year class reunion. 
Through Facebook I have been able to keep in contact with some of my classmates.  One friend lives about 30 minutes away so we are able to get together for a girls' day once in a while.  It's fun to go shopping, have lunch, and just catch up with what is going on in each other's lives.
However, there are other classmates I haven't seen for decades!  One is a really good friend from high school.  After graduation I started college fairly close to home and got married. My friend moved away to attend a different college.  In the following years I had a family, went back to school, graduated, and worked in my field for over 20 years.  Last December I quit my job and early this year we opened our dog bakery and pet specialty store.   
My high school friend and I haven't seen each other for 35 years.  I tried tracking her down several times, but had no luck until just recently. She works doing research in molecular physiology for a very prestigious university. 
I have no clue what a molecular physiology researcher does.
And I'm not asking.
She was tops in our high school graduating class so this news was not surprising.  Even though I have no clue what her job entails, I  know it is something that requires a high IQ.
With a look of awe I told Michael, "She does research in molecular physiology!" 
With a teasing smile Michael said, "You two went to the same school, right?"
I couldn't help but laugh.
I can just imagine how different the occupation line on our tax returns would look:
Her Occupation:  Molecular Physiology Research Team
My Occupation:  Plays With Dogs
Gotta run... my rock is waiting.

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