Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I know, it has been a while since I blogged.  Our laptop had a virus, twice.   I hesitated to blog because I didn't want to use the laptop and end up with a virus embedded in my blog and I didn't want to use my work computer - after 8 hours of work I really didn't want to be tied to the office working on a blog. I do my best thinking when I'm on the sectional, feet propped up on the ottoman with a blanket and cup of chai nearby.   
We ordered a new laptop with Windows 8.1. I am all for change, but Windows 8.1 was not a change Michael and I could handle.  In addition, the new laptop's media slot was really hard to use.  It was at an angle and made getting a card in and out next to impossible.... so that laptop went back.  We then  ordered a laptop with Windows 7 on it. 
Sigh... it is like having our old laptop again... without having to close 4-5 popups every 5 seconds.  It was like playing a computer version of "Whack A Mole" trying to close those popups as soon as they opened... only we never won. 
So this morning while getting acquainted with our "new" "old" computer, I was wondering what my next blog would be.  I have been making Michael's lunch when my morning allows, so I went off to the kitchen to get things together for him.
About 3 years ago we bought a second fridge for the garage.  It comes in really handy when we are having kids home and at the holidays.  Michael has kept his pop in the fridge in the garage for the last 3 years.   I myself would not want to go to the garage each time I wanted a pop, but he is the pop drinker, not me, so I was fine with that.
Until winter.
The first winter we had the fridge we heard this noise and it sounded like it came from the garage, but when we went out there, we couldn't see anything amiss.  That is until Michael went to get a soda from the fridge in the garage.  Due to the cold, a pop can had exploded...and it was a MESS!
So at some point I cleaned it up and life continued on.
Winter #2 came along and the same thing happened.  And yes, the exploding soda drove me crazy so I cleaned it up...again.  So last year we got smart and brought the pop inside for the remainder of the winter.
Last week I told Michael we needed to bring the pop in again so we didn't have another explosion and cleanup, so we brought it in right before Thanksgiving.
This morning I went to make Michael's lunch and couldn't find any pop in the fridge in the house.  I traipsed out to the garage and low and behold, he had put 3, 12-packs of soda in the fridge in the garage. 
I sighed. 
Sometimes that is all you can do.
I grabbed a can of pop for him, made his lunch, then headed back to talk to my rebel.   
"I thought we weren't going to keep soda in the garage in the winter?  If you want to keep it out there that is fine, but I am NOT cleaning the fridge this year when your cans start exploding. Not my monkey, not my circus."
We both started laughing. 
So do you guys want to start making bets as to how soon it is before there is a pop.... (a sigh from me)...and it eventually drives me crazy and I clean it up before my hubby does?

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