Friday, September 12, 2014

Top 5 Excuses....

Top 5 Excuses Why There Is No Foodie Friday
5.  The laptop has a virus and is at the hospital.  I've discovered I really do not like being tied to a desktop to try to write my blog posts - somehow it suppresses my creativity.   
4.  We hosted our first connection group last night!  God spoke to me and told me it was okay not to work on a new recipe this week.  I'm hoping He continues to tell me it is okay not to cook - and I'm hoping He passes that message on to Michael. 
3. Belle has an infection and is at the hospital. She is making strides, but still has a ways to go, please keep her in your prayers!  We miss having her here.  She has a lot of awesome people praying for her and has equally awesome people caring for her.
2.  The extent of my "cooking" this week has been boiled chicken and brown rice for Belle.  I know my blog has easy recipes, but posting that for Foodie Friday even sounded crazy to me!
1.  Michael needed to send some emails and is also used to using the laptop.  When trying to find things on the desktop he was struggling. I kept telling him to "click on the star."  He kept hovering the cursor over every icon EXCEPT the star.  I would say, "No, the star!... THE STAR!" I needed to reschool him on what stars look like, and ran out of time to work on a recipe.  So... no recipe this week,  but Michael now has stars down! 

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