Monday, September 1, 2014


It's a brave man who buys his wife a staple gun after spending two consecutive Friday nights in the ER due to a mandolin-thumb collision - one Friday night we were there for placing of stitches, the second we were there to have them removed.

I have a project I want to do that requires a staple gun and I told Michael  I would need to use his.  He reminded me that we no longer had it as it quit working.  

A few days later Michael had to go to the hardware store.  Hardware stores are to him what TJ Maxx is to me.  He can spend hours in there oohing and aahing over things I never knew existed so I usually encourage him to go by himself, or I head to the kitchen aisle. I love kitchen things!

This time I headed to the grocery store while he headed to hardware heaven. When we got home he excitedly said, "I got you something at the hardware store!"

I have to be honest, I wasn't too excited about the prospect of a gift from a hardware store.   All I could think of that would appeal to me was something from the kitchen section or candy from the checkout line.

Sad but true.

But then, I saw what it was!

I immediately picked it up, still in the packaging, and pointed it (pretending I was stapling something) and made an air gun sound "Pshoo! Pshoo! Pshoo!"

It was at that moment Michael wondered if this was really a good idea and told me not to staple my thumb to anything.

Like I would do that!

Well, intentionally anyway.

He even got me several lengths of staples.

I can't wait to start my project! I'm keeping it hush-hush for now, but will tell you about it and post pictures when done.

In the meantime I would appreciate prayers for safety while using my new staple gun.

Look out world!

No, seriously..... look out.

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