Monday, September 30, 2013

Dreams Do Come True!

If you could be backstage with your favorite artist, hanging out as their security person wouldn't it be a dream come true?  

That's exactly what I got to do recently!

My stepdaughter, Lindsay, is a nurse at Alternatives Pregnancy Center in Waterloo. Alternatives provides care, education, and basic needs for women who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy.  Alternatives is also Christian based so in addition to their physical needs Alternatives tends to their spiritual needs.  They operate solely on donations.  The services they provide are possible only because of the generosity of those who support it. To find out more about Alternatives click here.

In an attempt to raise funds they recently had a concert through Mission PreBorn, who has the same goals.  For more on what Mission PreBorn is about click here.  These events combine a Christian music artist with a Mission PreBorn artist.  The big news:  this concert was going to headline my favorite artist, Mark Schultz.

 In addition, Joyce Bartholomew was going to represent Mission PreBorn.

Isn't she gorgeous?  And she has an equally beautiful voice, passion for Mission PreBorn, and personality!

Lindsay took on the task of organizing the concert which involved gathering a lot of volunteers.   Knowing we would not miss this concert, she asked if we would want to help with something.  In order for us to be able to sit and enjoy the concert she was naming a few things we could do prior to the event to help. 

But then she said these words: "I need to find someone to be security for Mark and Joyce."



Did you say Mark Schultz's security???????

I told her I would be Mark's security and offered Michael's services for Joyce's security. 

(Aren't I an awesome wife!?)

Lindsay laughed.  Seriously, she laughed!

I said, "I am totally serious!"

And she would not stop laughing. 

It got to where I was begging her.   Hey - I'm not proud! This was a once in a lifetime chance!  I had to reassure her that I was completely and totally serious about this!

Finally when she stopped laughing (honestly it took a while) she said, "Can you really do this without bugging Mark?"  There just aren't enough italics for the emphasis she put on really.

Well!  I was rather offended at that!

Okay, not really.  

She knows how much I like Mark Schultz and her question was legitimate, but I reassured her, "yessssss I can do the job without bugging Mark Schultz."
Geez - talk about taking the fun out of it!  And in addition to doing that we would also help with the meet and greet after the concert where I would be handing Mark CD's to sign (double elation)!

So the day of the concert we headed to Cedar Falls. 

We helped set up Mark's merchandise table.  Remember that Homemade Christmas blog where I talked about want lists? - well there were lots of "wants" on that table!

We got a chance to visit with Mark's road manager - Justin.  What a down to earth guy.

Joyce arrived for her sound check and Michael met her.  Once her sound check was done Michael was "on duty" making sure no one bothered her.

I impatiently waited for Mark to arrive.

Maybe this is a good spot to explain why I love Mark Schultz's music.  I started listening to Life 96.1 (a contemporary Christian music station) about 6 years ago. I bought my first CD of Mark's in September 2008.  In addition to the CD there was a concert DVD included and I watched that DVD weekly.  

Then in December 2008 my mom passed away and Mark's music, which I had been listening to for months, was just what I needed to help comfort me.  Many of his songs are stories about life.  No matter what you are going through he has a song for that need. 

So I love his music, he has a great sense of humor (he calls himself a "dork") and I may be 52.... but let's just throw it out there - he is pretty cute!   I'm sure Lindsay is groaning about now.  But I know Lindsay's coworker Kara would be nodding her head in enthusiastic agreement!

So....back to the concert.

Mark finally arrived.  Can you believe he walked in from way out in the parking lot?  No, I didn't expect him to walk on water, but I didn't expect that long parking lot walk either.   We are talking an award winning artist here!! .... Hello!

  He came in, said "hi" to everyone, asked how we were doing, and visited briefly before heading into the auditorium to do his sound check.

Well, I was Mark's security... and since there was nothing else to do I slipped backstage to the little alcove where he would wait to go on stage before the concert.  I sat, unseen, and listened to the sound check.  It was like my own  mini concert for about an hour.  When I sensed he was almost done I went to my assigned spot next to the green room.

Mark came backstage.  I introduced myself and told him I was his security for the night and that I would tackle any unauthorized person who tried to get in his room.  He laughed and said he would like to see someone get tackled!

(Luckily for me and my body that was not necessary).

And I sat.

I read a devotional book I had taken with me.  I responded to texts from some of our kids. His road manager came and went numerous times (one busy guy).  

And I pretty much stared at the door behind which my favorite artist was having dinner with his road manager  - that is when Justin sat long enough to eat. 

After a bit Michael appeared with Joyce, as it was almost time for the concert to start.  The Alternatives staff appeared, Mark came out of the green room, and we all gathered around Mark while Lindsay prayed.  It was pretty awesome to be standing next to Mark, praying with him and for him. 

Once Joyce was onstage Michael and I sat by the green room and visited.  He was waiting for her to finish so he could take her back to her room, and I was waiting to make sure Mark got on stage after Joyce's 3 songs.   Mark had an ear piece so they said he would know when he was to go on, but after Joyce's 2nd song Mark popped out of his green room and said, "Was that the 3rd song?"  We reassured him it was only the second, and he disappeared again.

When Joyce was close to finishing I walked up to the alcove door so I could hear better what was going on and know the timing for Mark.  Joyce came off stage.  I gave her a hug and told her she did a beautiful job. (She is such a doll!)  Someone from Alternatives was speaking prior to Mark going onstage.  He came out and I held the door so he could get into the alcove, and he was ready to go on!

 Michael took off with Joyce and I headed to the auditorium to watch the concert.  One perk of getting there 3 hours before the concert and helping, is getting a front row seat!

The concert was awesome. Mark is an amazing performer and evokes every emotion possible during his concerts.    

An hour later when Mark was finished I slipped back to my spot by the green room.  Joyce went back on stage to speak for Mission PreBorn and to finish  the evening - which also meant my husband had reappeared.  I now had to wait for the event to be over, the auditorium to clear,  and then take Mark to the room for the meet and greet for those who had purchased gold circle tickets.

 When most of the people were gone I knocked on Mark's door and peeked in, asked if he was ready for the meet and greet, and off we went. He signed autographs, visited with people, and then headed back to his room.  

My duties were officially over.


I was not able to hear Joyce talk about Mission PreBorn as I was wherever Mark was, but I could hear her singing when I was backstage. It is amazing how such a full voice can come from such a petite woman!  

I never realized how much went into planning and organizing an event like this before.  Lindsay did an amazing job.  

I don't have a bucket list, but if I did I could cross one thing off: 
"Hanging out with my favorite artist ."  (At least in my mind we were hanging out together!).  Unless Mark invites me for dinner some night this is as close as I'll ever get.   But Mark, if you are reading this, Michael and I would be available for dinner with you and your family any night!

More importantly, Alternatives was able to raise some much needed funds to keep offering the services they do to the women who walk through their doors.

It was a night of blessings.



You didn't need to worry about me - I was a bit star struck and unusually quiet!  Because I behaved so well I decided to rat on Janet.  She came back and introduced herself to Mark before the concert and told him how much more handsome! he was in person, and how much younger! he looked in person!!  It was just the 3 of us there at the time.  Mark smiled and kept saying "Thanks!" but he kept looking at me and I was just speechless.  My eyes had to be as big as saucers - all I could do when he looked at me was smile.   There was nothing I could safely say at that point in time.    

And you were worried about ME??? :)

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