Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I love the color yellow.. love, love, love it!  Always have, always will.  No color cheers me
up like yellow does. 

Here's some information I found online about the color yellow: 
"Put some yellow in your life when you want:
clarity for decision-making
relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion
sharper memory and concentration skills
protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather.
Use it around your office to help keep a clear your mind, and improve memory and decision making."

When I was a young teen my aunt in Kentucky had a yellow and white kitchen. You know how some homes have the white baseboards and trim?  Well she had white baseboards, white chair rails, white cupboards and yellow everywhere else in the kitchen.  I was in love!  I was determined I would have a yellow kitchen at some point in my life.

And I did. 

I had white wallpaper (yes,  I know the wallpaper dates me) with yellow and rust-colored flowers.  Hey  - don't grimace - it was pretty!   I had yellow cape cod curtains (sigh)  like I had always dreamed of having - just like my aunt had!  It was yellow heaven.  Then eventually the wallpaper came down (I know, you guys are cheering at this point) and the yellow disappeared from my kitchen. 

The sharper memory, concentration skills, and clear mind mentioned above caught my attention just recently.   I love yellow and if it turns me into a female Einstein, even better! So it was time to bring back the yellow!   

We recently painted my office yellow.  I've missed seeing yellow.  I look at the walls in my office 8 hours a day or more and it was time to cheer up my office... and me!  I always say I can't wear yellow, but I can surround myself with it.

(Unless it helps with the memory thing then I'm spray painting myself in yellow whether it is my color or not.)

Michael had some hesitation about painting.  Not that he doesn't like color, but his philosophy is "relatively new home, paint is just fine as it is, why would you want to paint?"  He's a practical kind of guy.   So I finally got him to agree to painting  (you would think we were talking adopting a whole herd of basset hounds or something, but that's a whole other blog). 

Don't you just want to grab them and rub those ears???  It looks like THEY need some  yellow to cheer them up! Okay, If I look at those faces much longer I'll get distracted, so back to the office and yellow. 

By the way,  I put pictures in my blogs as visual reminders... to me... to remember where  I was headed with my one-sided conversation.  They come in handy for that!  And if you didn't notice, the yellow hasn't helped with the memory and concentration.  I guess yellow is an awesome color, but NOT  a miracle worker.

Oh yeah... the office

This is a corner of my office.  I know, it doesn't look very yellow in this picture, but trust me, in person... it is YELLOW!  And both walls are the same color, the wall to the left looks beige, but it is just as yellow as the other wall. 

We had it painted, we didn't do the work - it has a vaulted ceiling and I'm just not one to be climbing around on ladders stretching up as high as I can.  That type of activity usually results in me going to the emergency room.  I know my limits. 

So when the painter first started working  I went in to peek at the color I had picked.  My first thought was "EGAD - that is Y-E-L-L-O-W!"  (My second thought was "Michael is going to hate this color!")  You know how when you first start painting and you see only a smidgen of your new color against a whole wall or room of the color you are used to seeing.... it looks a little scary... and ......well bright!?

Well by the time he had one wall done I was pretty sure it was going to be okay, and by the time I put the furniture back in, put things back on the wall, and put the  window treatment up it looked.......

 perfect  :)


I do have to admit though that I did the above as fast as I could....scurrying around to put things back in the office before Michael got home from work, hoping it would take away from the, well let's just say "yellowness" of the room. 

And it did.

Even Michael likes it (whew)!

So of course now I'm thinking "Where else can we add color in the house?"  But  the thought of me whipping around the house with a paint brush and paint can is scary for Michael.  I can't blame him.  Before you start thinking "Poor Barb... she can't even paint without Michael's permission?"  - let me explain. 

It's my fault. 

You see, because he has been hesitant to paint I play with his mind.  I sometimes pick the most outrageous color I can spot and tell him, "Ohhhh,  this would look gorgeous in the  (pick a room). "  When I did that with the office (kind of an orangish yellow - honestly a really bright color - think Gerber daisy) he said, "Okay..... (long pause)....pretty" ... (with a question mark following the pretty.  You know how they answer but
you can tell they are really questioning?).   Then an even longer pause... then "Are you SURE that's the color you want?"  Then I start laughing.  So it's my fault that I've put paint paranoia into him, but I just can't help myself.

 It's fun :)  

(well at least for me)

Many times he knows when I am teasing, but sometimes I'm not joking, so that's why he just is never sure whether to take me seriously or not. 

(I'm going to hang onto this picture... I think it could come in handy quite often.  I have no clue who this guy is, but I appeciate him supplying me with a confused face!) 

But you know, there is still some yellow paint left over from the office and I'm thinking that it would be just enough for one wall in the living room....I could paint another wall orange, or red, or green....

Just kidding. 

See what Michael has to deal with?     :)

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